July 31, 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The BoJo Boys
The BoJo Boys – from left to right: Louie, Noodle and Charlie. Noodle is the newest addition to the Beat Walk. He's a charmer too.

Louie is a real politician as he works to recruit one of the Pugs he and his brother Charlie see around the neighborhood. After all, there’s a lot to talk about…like how many loud cars they barked into silence, or how many squirrels they terrified! On Tuesdays though, they’re the canine escorts on the beat walks. A lot of people know them and say 'Hi Charlie! and Hi Louie!

Next Tuesday, August 7, is National Night Out from 5:30PM - 9:00PM in Gale Park. Howard Street will be closed from Bosworth to Ashland. Bally's will have aerobics demonstrations, there will be yoga and karate demonstrations, dancing, and food vendors too. So mark your calendars. A flyer will be posted soon with further details. . . . Todays other posts on Howard Watchers

Posted by: Toni

Toni is walking the neighborhood with her dog friends tonight. She at least makes an effort even though she appears unable to relate to half of her neighbors in any meaningful way. I have to say the holiday from the dreaded "pink postcards" has been quite enjoyable. National Night Out is a great event and it has been done for years now. Getting out and being part of the crowd will be worth the effort. Be a part of the solution and get your walkin shoes on!

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July 31, 2007
* Joe Moore Turned Away @ White House Gate

The Idiot Didn't Follow Protocol
by Leora Falk

Joe Moore, an alderman from Chicago, was rebuffed at the White House Gates earlier today as he tried to present President Bush with letters and referendums from towns, cities and states speaking out against the war in Iraq and asking that Bush bring the troops home now. . . . More

Posted by Craig Gernhardt

* Joe Moore in Washington - Again

Joe Moore has invaded Washington D.C. and is shooting off his big fat mouth about the war. Again. When he should be in Chicago, more specifically in Rogers Park. Instead of dealing with the war on drugs in the 49th ward, Joe's blowing smoke for the national media to see.

From what I hear, Joe is blathering about the occupation in Iraq and what it costs in money. Joe Moore said that the people of Chicago have spent over 2/3 of Chicago's annual city budget on occupying Iraq.

Yet, back in Chicago, other Alderman are actually studying the bloated, over-the-top 2008 city budget.

BLOGNOTES: Really Joe? I thought 2/3's of our budget covered expenses in Chicago? Like your salary to be a Alderman of the 49th ward. Not to be a stooge for the DFA. . . . . More

Posted by Craig Gernhardt

Craig has spent his blogging efforts tracking Moore in D.C. today. He has begun reciting his mantra of 49th Ward, 49th Ward, 49th Ward and he has slipped into a deep trance having said it so many times that he now thinks the 49th Ward is an island, unreachable and untouchable from the outside world. Really Joe, how dare an Alderman of Chicago have a thought about an issue bigger than his own Ward. All of those state legislators and town councilmen are wrong, wrong, wrong! Chris Adams should clone himself and run in every single one of their districts. There is no reason in the world to believe that any person who is not part of the federal government should have the nerve to make any comment at all about a federal issue.

Even more ridiculous is the idea that the plan to present the petitions was a disaster because George Bush had a lower level staffer not accept the petitions for security reasons. PICTURE IT: It would have made for great media coverage to show Moore and all the others with him at the White House walking to a post . . office . . mailbox and then (this is the really great part) they actually put the petitions in the mailbox ADDRESSED TO GEORGE W. BUSH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!! WOW!! That would have driven the point home really deep and hard. Thanks for the help on this one Craig! If only you could have been there to divert the disaster. Bush probably thinks those 150 million people are lovin' the war over there almost as much as they are lovin' McDonalds. Okay now Craig, I am going to snap my fingers and you will be back in the heart of the 49th Ward and you will not remember anything that has happened.

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Monday, July 30, 2007
Progress Report

Gale Park Field House - Progress photos as of July 20, 2007. There were more than 3-4 workers out. This morning, July 30, 2007 – The building has a partial roof and may soon have partial walls. There were workers out on Saturday too. Any wagers on which month this will be completed? . . . . Pictures and More

Howard Street's Mural
The BIG picture –Howard Street doesn’t get a fancy mural - just advertisements on vacant board-ups. I just wanted to share what we see while walking up to this corner.

And of course, we can’t ignore the back side of the paper mural. It’s the streets genre.

The medium used for this project is a mix of neglect, apathy, disrespect, and trash. Does anyone recall Robert Coe’s company being named ‘Sherlock Holmes Builders’? . . . . Pictures and More

Posted by: Toni

In a couple of posts Toni writes about the new field house at Gale Park and seems to complain that DevCorp North isn't doing a mural in her part of town. The buildings in her photos are scheduled to be developed into something new. but with the downturn in the economy and particularly the housing market this might take a while. I am certain that some how this delay, the national economy and the slow housing market are somehow related to Moore's work as Alderman.

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Art In Rogers Park is 50 - 50 Deal on the Hellhole

* Mural Project Excites Bares (July 30)

Anyone can put lipstick on a pig - but it's still going to be a pig. That's exactly what DevCorp North did with the Morse Avenue EL stop. The big hoopla regarding the Mural has turned out to be nothing more than painting over a rotted piece of wood. Or in this case, crumbling concrete.

Still, when you listen to Kim Bares, she'll praise this 'glued-on creation' as if it were one of seven great wonders of the world. The skill of telling a bold faced lie in public must be one of the qualities DevCorp North looks for in a executive director. . . More

* 2007 Artist on the Wall (July 30)

A 'Broken Heart' tradition continues. This year with a twist. Hang on for a wild ride. It's the 2007 Artist on the Wall. . . . Post

Posted by Craig Gernhardt

Complete with video the hellhole both praises and bashes the art scene in Rogers Park. The comment section is full of personal attacks on the participants but towards the end one post makes a good point both about the taste of this video and his concern about his "pet" project. His initial comment is:

jeffo said...

i don't like this entry,

the el bridge is old and crumbling but its not a pig,

and it does look better after the paint job,
does this automatically mean the neighborhood is safe?
no, but it doesn't hurt
to invest in a project that makes things look better,

i also would like to know why
you are criticizing the betterment of morse
this is a cta issue,
and many stations are still crumbling it will take years to fix them all

He then continues to go forward with a complaint that has not been addressed. I assume he is speaking about Moore, but who knows for sure. It isn't clear. My suggestion to jeffo is to call in the complaint to the Alderman and 311, get a tracking number and follow up on it with the Alderman's office. The city takes for ever to fix stuff nowadays and there may be a reason you have not seen it repaired yet.

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July 29, 2007

Zoning Committee Work Praised By Hellhole

* Loyola Blogging

I've been meaning to run this photo for awhile. It's one of the new buildings popping up on the Loyola University campus. This was taken from the Pratt Pier. It's a nice day everyone, go take a walk, ride or jog by the lake. Check out the view for yourself. It's a beauty. . . . Post

Posted by Craig Gernhard

If I am not mistaken, this building was one of Gordon's initial challenges of Moore. It was also approved by the zoning committee I believe. This is something even you admit is done right by the zoning committee.

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The Big Bash of VOTER 49

Saturday, July 28, 2007
OK -- I'm In
I went to the V.O.T.E.R 49 bash at Michael Harrington's place this afternoon. While the turnout was not overwhelming, it is a committed group of people. I met Michael in person, as well as his partner. Spoke with Don and his wife, Eva, Eileen Foxman and her husband, Toni (who was Pretty in Pink), Carla, and others whose names escape me. Chef Didier Durand showed up with wonderful French bread, brie and other cheeses.

I got an opportunity to converse with Don and Michael for a period of time, and I am convinced that joining V.O.T.E.R. is the right choice for me. This is not about bashing Moore, although no doubt any number of people will portray it as such. It is about that word I so love -- accountability -- and the provision of fair elections. I will contribute my time, dollars if available, as much as possible..... Complete Piece

This is a summary of the highly touted VOTER 49 bash on July 28 referred to by Toni in her post below. This is a post that sounds like someone trying to be balanced. Interestingly enough there are some actual comments attributed to Gordon himself about the lawsuit. Most interesting is
a comments by Gordon that the Board of Elections runs the elections poorly and that they, not Moore, are the target.

There is also a conversation about why she didn't have to show ID when she voted. The simple answer is that the law does not require the displaying of ID on election day unless you are voting for the first time after having registered by mail. Requiring ID from anyone else is the illegal act. It unfairly targets poor people. Not knowing where you live, you might have had to show ID somewhere else (in the parking lot, not the voting station) because of the unethical use of this tactic by the Gordon camp.

Other highlights in the post include more talk of the "pink postcards" so dear to Toni's heart.

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I Just Cannot Accept That We Lost

Saturday, July 28, 2007

V.O.T.E.R. 49 Bash Review

Here’s Keris overview of the afternoon!

It’s always a pleasure to link to a detailed writer. Thanks Kheris! I landed late, so my take is on Keris post only.

My cynical side can't just 'rule Moore out' though. From Moore, to his hired guns, to the committeeman who hand picked judges (one who no longer lives in this ward), the payments out to certain NOH residents, to the flagrant nursing home photos and videos. He doesn't have a clean slate.

An attorney from the office suite next to ours was leaving the other night for an out of town court date. He said it should go well, but then one never knows. I told him that in June a judge granted permission to look into election fraud here. One month later, she came back having decided 'she'd made a mistake'. (By that time other people had gotten on the elevator.) He smiled and shook his head. I said, "that was one great moment for justice and the women's movement". Everyone on the elevator was snickering and laughing. All were attorneys. . . . . Complete Piece

Posted by: Toni

Sometimes people just cannot accept the fact that no matter how badly they wanted something to turn out a certain way, it just doesn’t happen because you want it and it isn’t wrong just because it did turn out your way.

Today on Toni blog she rants about how the Judge in the Gordon case is basically incompetent because she ordered the Gordon case dismissed at the last hearing rather than the one before then. The logical conclusions she reaches is that Judge Hayes is either basically incompetent or the case was fixed. The fact that what Gordon wanted to remedy the case was unreasonable and the fact his evidence was wafer thin affected the ruling isn’t possible. It was the shoddy state court system. What Toni didn’t tell you is that Moore moved the case out of state court and into federal court. Gordon wanted it back into the state court badly enough that he dropped part of his case to get back there. She also didn’t tell you that he also ended up with Judge Hayes because he and his co-plaintiffs ask for Judge changes in the state court several times. He got a judge and a system he sought, not by Moore’s choice.

By the way my Howard St. legal eagle, if “Fitz” had a case it to would go to federal court. The bottom line, the Gordon case was flawed from the beginning. The vast majority of the “evidence” is unsubstantiated, not actual illegal conduct, or isn’t even developed enough to determine if it is questionable. In court, unlike a blog, just saying it enough times doesn’t make it evidence.

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July 28, 2007

We Are Never Wrong!

The Poo Pot

The Poo Pot Stirrer is attempting once again to get the odor away from his boss Joe.

During the 2002–2003 aldermanic election, The Storefront Lawyer was on the old forum49 bashing everyone who wasn’t supporting Moore. In the 2007 election he ‘allegedly’ took a different path and was supporting an alleged contender who now sits on the zoning committee. Here’s what he’s dying to really know and I don’t feel obligated to share with him! . . . . Complete Piece

Posted by: Toni

Toni blogs yesterday about the now supposed evidence in her never ending story about "pink" postcards. Self-righteously, she claims to hold the high moral ground and talks yet again about the horrible tragedy. She implies that everything done by the Moore camapign was illegal and part of some evil conspiracy. What Toni never wants to talk about is how her candidate, Don Gordon, fully utilized the resources available to him that put white men in suits out by the polling places on election day to "kindly" remind voters that they would not be able to vote without ID. A completely immoral and unethical thing to do especially considering this program tergeted precincts with the highest minority and poor residents. She also doesn't want to talk about how weak all of the supposed evidence of the Gordon Four was . If that wasn't true why were the Gordon volunteers out trying to collect evidence last weekend. What about the supposed video of Joe Moore saying hello in a polling place which was so very illegal in and of itself that the election should be overturned.

Their evidence is very limited and what little they have is weak. The case is tossed because their remedy is ridiculous and their case is nothing more than sore losers not letting it go. Finally, it seems like Harrington is far more interested in this than the former plaintiffs and Mr. Gordon the only remaining plaintiff.

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Out Dated Data Exploited to Run Down Rogers Park

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Changing the Rogers Park Blog World

Today is a new day in the 5th most blogging community in the U.S. I have heard and read enough. I like Joe Moore. I like David Fagus, Jan Schakowsky, David Orr, and I am really happy Joe Moore won in April. So now that I have made that clear lets get blogging!

There is one point of this blog: commentary and criticism of the one-sided blog. I have no personal interest in Hugh & Toni or Craig or anyone else with "their point of view". This blog is going to be the other side of your one sided stories. Readers, if you don't like what they wrote, why bother with trying to get by their comment moderation and editing. Come hear and speak your piece.

Its time to hear the other side neighbors!

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