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I Just Cannot Accept That We Lost

Saturday, July 28, 2007

V.O.T.E.R. 49 Bash Review

Here’s Keris overview of the afternoon!

It’s always a pleasure to link to a detailed writer. Thanks Kheris! I landed late, so my take is on Keris post only.

My cynical side can't just 'rule Moore out' though. From Moore, to his hired guns, to the committeeman who hand picked judges (one who no longer lives in this ward), the payments out to certain NOH residents, to the flagrant nursing home photos and videos. He doesn't have a clean slate.

An attorney from the office suite next to ours was leaving the other night for an out of town court date. He said it should go well, but then one never knows. I told him that in June a judge granted permission to look into election fraud here. One month later, she came back having decided 'she'd made a mistake'. (By that time other people had gotten on the elevator.) He smiled and shook his head. I said, "that was one great moment for justice and the women's movement". Everyone on the elevator was snickering and laughing. All were attorneys. . . . . Complete Piece

Posted by: Toni

Sometimes people just cannot accept the fact that no matter how badly they wanted something to turn out a certain way, it just doesn’t happen because you want it and it isn’t wrong just because it did turn out your way.

Today on Toni blog she rants about how the Judge in the Gordon case is basically incompetent because she ordered the Gordon case dismissed at the last hearing rather than the one before then. The logical conclusions she reaches is that Judge Hayes is either basically incompetent or the case was fixed. The fact that what Gordon wanted to remedy the case was unreasonable and the fact his evidence was wafer thin affected the ruling isn’t possible. It was the shoddy state court system. What Toni didn’t tell you is that Moore moved the case out of state court and into federal court. Gordon wanted it back into the state court badly enough that he dropped part of his case to get back there. She also didn’t tell you that he also ended up with Judge Hayes because he and his co-plaintiffs ask for Judge changes in the state court several times. He got a judge and a system he sought, not by Moore’s choice.

By the way my Howard St. legal eagle, if “Fitz” had a case it to would go to federal court. The bottom line, the Gordon case was flawed from the beginning. The vast majority of the “evidence” is unsubstantiated, not actual illegal conduct, or isn’t even developed enough to determine if it is questionable. In court, unlike a blog, just saying it enough times doesn’t make it evidence.

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