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We Are Never Wrong!

The Poo Pot

The Poo Pot Stirrer is attempting once again to get the odor away from his boss Joe.

During the 2002–2003 aldermanic election, The Storefront Lawyer was on the old forum49 bashing everyone who wasn’t supporting Moore. In the 2007 election he ‘allegedly’ took a different path and was supporting an alleged contender who now sits on the zoning committee. Here’s what he’s dying to really know and I don’t feel obligated to share with him! . . . . Complete Piece

Posted by: Toni

Toni blogs yesterday about the now supposed evidence in her never ending story about "pink" postcards. Self-righteously, she claims to hold the high moral ground and talks yet again about the horrible tragedy. She implies that everything done by the Moore camapign was illegal and part of some evil conspiracy. What Toni never wants to talk about is how her candidate, Don Gordon, fully utilized the resources available to him that put white men in suits out by the polling places on election day to "kindly" remind voters that they would not be able to vote without ID. A completely immoral and unethical thing to do especially considering this program tergeted precincts with the highest minority and poor residents. She also doesn't want to talk about how weak all of the supposed evidence of the Gordon Four was . If that wasn't true why were the Gordon volunteers out trying to collect evidence last weekend. What about the supposed video of Joe Moore saying hello in a polling place which was so very illegal in and of itself that the election should be overturned.

Their evidence is very limited and what little they have is weak. The case is tossed because their remedy is ridiculous and their case is nothing more than sore losers not letting it go. Finally, it seems like Harrington is far more interested in this than the former plaintiffs and Mr. Gordon the only remaining plaintiff.

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