A Little Trouble in the Park North of Howard Last Night?
Attempted Hijacking
This flyer was posted on 24/7 August 2 after the creator made a few edits and corrections and received approval from North of Howard Parks Advisory Council. It was also distributed to certain entities to serve as notice of upcoming elections for officers per protocol/procedure directives from a park district employee. . . . See Flyer and More
Posted by Toni
* Joe Moore Plays Bully
Joe Moore, you piece of crap. You, of all people, pulling a stunt like this. Pure bullshit. This is what you are teaching Nathan? You are a poor example of a parent. This is as lying, cheating and underhanded as it gets. You're the main reason this ward is so divided right now. You encourage this type of divisive behavior. And everytime you pull a stunt like this, this is what your teaching your boys to do. You should be ashamed of yourself - but of course, you're not. . . . . See Post
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
So the people of the community came to a meeting that is by all accounts open to the public and wanted to have some say about what is going on in the park. That sounds like community partnership to me. I think the constant call heard across this and every other neighborhood is to increase community participation. If a small group of people who live North of Howard are not interested in public participation in the management of public facilities then those parks, (private property as I understand they once were), should have kept themselves private.
This was a clear case of the Alderman, working on a local, local, local issue trying to make sure that everyone in the community would have input in a very important new projects operation. I applaud the effort and I am very troubled by the closed door way that this group appears to operate. If organizing the participation of the people who have children in the area to come to a meeting to talk about the brand new facility going up in the neighborhood that will serve them is being a "bully" than I am all for it.
The question burning in my mind is if this council was interested in increasing participation, operating transparently and being fair, why did they try to sneak in their own re-election prior to having the meeting that they know would bring in the broader community. The logical answer is . . . sorry to say this but . . . to exclude the rest of the community from the process is the most logical answer, but perhaps there is something else that makes more sense. I am hoping so.
In any case, since nothing happened last night and it seems that things are more in order for next time maybe the old-hands and some of the young-bucks can work together to make the Gale Community Center a gem we can all be proud of in Rogers Park.
This flyer was posted on 24/7 August 2 after the creator made a few edits and corrections and received approval from North of Howard Parks Advisory Council. It was also distributed to certain entities to serve as notice of upcoming elections for officers per protocol/procedure directives from a park district employee. . . . See Flyer and More
Posted by Toni
* Joe Moore Plays Bully
Joe Moore, you piece of crap. You, of all people, pulling a stunt like this. Pure bullshit. This is what you are teaching Nathan? You are a poor example of a parent. This is as lying, cheating and underhanded as it gets. You're the main reason this ward is so divided right now. You encourage this type of divisive behavior. And everytime you pull a stunt like this, this is what your teaching your boys to do. You should be ashamed of yourself - but of course, you're not. . . . . See Post
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
So the people of the community came to a meeting that is by all accounts open to the public and wanted to have some say about what is going on in the park. That sounds like community partnership to me. I think the constant call heard across this and every other neighborhood is to increase community participation. If a small group of people who live North of Howard are not interested in public participation in the management of public facilities then those parks, (private property as I understand they once were), should have kept themselves private.
This was a clear case of the Alderman, working on a local, local, local issue trying to make sure that everyone in the community would have input in a very important new projects operation. I applaud the effort and I am very troubled by the closed door way that this group appears to operate. If organizing the participation of the people who have children in the area to come to a meeting to talk about the brand new facility going up in the neighborhood that will serve them is being a "bully" than I am all for it.
The question burning in my mind is if this council was interested in increasing participation, operating transparently and being fair, why did they try to sneak in their own re-election prior to having the meeting that they know would bring in the broader community. The logical answer is . . . sorry to say this but . . . to exclude the rest of the community from the process is the most logical answer, but perhaps there is something else that makes more sense. I am hoping so.
In any case, since nothing happened last night and it seems that things are more in order for next time maybe the old-hands and some of the young-bucks can work together to make the Gale Community Center a gem we can all be proud of in Rogers Park.
Labels: 49th Ward, 60626, Gale Community Center, Joe Moore, North of Howard, Park Advisory Council, Rogers Park
Congratulations on this new blog. It seems that finally someone has decided to put some sanity back into the Rogers Park community.
I found that the whole NOH blog about Gale Park Advisory Council very weird. They didn't even have a quorum (per their bylaws) to have an election. So why be so upset about Joe Moore showing up at their meeting? They probably wanted a quite little election of their own. Who would have known?
Posted by
Toto |
August 25, 2007
> perhaps there is something else that makes more sense. I am hoping so.
Ahh, so now the 'club' was trying to 'sneak' and election on the masses? Since you appear to be a 24/7 reader, how many times can you locate requests for participation?
The by-laws contain election info if you care to look, Joe has a copy. Had there been an election with a quorum it would have been in the minutes. We couldn't and didn't have a vote because of the quorum, end of speculation.
And had you concerned people been coming to meetings you would have known this. So would other people!
So who plays games? Where was the word 'election' and why was the flyer changed?
Posted by
Toni |
August 26, 2007
I wasn't there, but reading Toni's post did make this sound like a grudge or politial payback from Joe Moore. Did he call them and raise his objections? If he did not, then he was ambushing them and disrupting the hard work the group had done on a volunteer basis.
I myself believe Toni and Eva want good things for RP and since they are unpaid volunteers deserve the utmost respect from pubic officials such as Joe Moore. Even if they are "unfair" with him or he doesn't like them.
Many of the people I've spoken to that oppose JM say that he plays dirty politics and this kind of sounds like that to me. Maybe I'm mistaken. And some just call it plain politics-alls fair etc... With the reputation of Chicago politics, you can't possibly be saying JM is sqeaky clean can you?
BTW-A phrase keeps running through my head lately: olive branch.
But this can go on forever and around in circles arguing these points.
Posted by
Jocelyn |
August 26, 2007
People can be very fickle about what they want to spend their time on. The parks north of Howard have had precious little to offer in terms of programing over the last couple of years. I for one would have been surprised if there was a large active group working on the park committee.
Now things are about to be very different. Not only does a new community center bring programs to that facility, one would hope it will also bring better and closer management of the other parks north of Howard. It wouldn't be fair to argue that the couple or three who have kept things alive should be excluded, because there should be a place for them. There should also be a place for those who see something for themselves, their kids or their neighborhood and want to be a part of things from the begining.
Setting the current leadership in place was a good political tactic for those in power to remain in power, whether they intended it to be or not. It was not good community partnership. The point I believe someone could make validly is that the election should come after the people are re-connected to a park system that has something to offer. There may have been invitations to join in the past from the present leadership, but no body came out. Joe Moore brought a big piece of the community to the table. He did that through classic grass-roots organizing not "bullying".
In the end, being at the table alone isn't enough though. The work lies ahead for the neighbors to make of it what they will. By involving everyone in the process the project will better service our community. I hope those who see it differently see that the process will still follow their rules and if they adjust their views to see a win as getting a good community center everyone will be winners.
Posted by
August 26, 2007
I just don't get what you are saying. Are you implying that a group of a few would propose to control the parks over there?
That seems neither plausible nor possible to me. It really does seem more like a power play by Joe Moore. The man is no saint and plays polictics with the best of them.
Posted by
Jocelyn |
August 26, 2007
Park councils advise - the park district's role is to listen to the input or do what they will. Again, had YOU been so concerned about these parks, then you should have come to the meetings.
So would you have us amend the by-laws to have the election when it's convenient for you? We've had plenty of requests that didn't get responses from the ward office. So are you saying that if officers are suitable to Moore, then he'll communicate?! Does that mean I can go to the next city hall meeting and interrupt, point my finger and insist that certain things be changed? I'd be escorted out.
Moore claims his email list has 4000+ names on it. So if X people had come to that little conference room, what was he not thinking? Did he ask if we had a bigger community meeting planned that would accomodate a large crowd? He found out that - Yes, we did and do. Why didn't his email contain the word election to begin with?
He had no answers last week, so perchance he'll respond to you who seems to know so much. The communication was between JM and another person who is not on the council.
You're right about being at the table not being enough. There were 75+ at the first meeting to hold elections. They came, they voted, they didn't return because it meant commitment and work - volunteer work - no paycheck.
I'm not an officer, so it doesn't matter where I sit at the table!
Posted by
Toni |
August 26, 2007
Put bluntly, which I had hoped to avoid, the people who are currently active generally have a similar vision of the community and the park. I am not going to put words in their collective mouth about what that vision is, but there are other opinions about the area, the uses for the park and the community center.
I would like to see all of the voices of the neighbors not only be heard, but also be a part of the decision-making process. That means some should at least have a chance to be elected to the advisory council.
I don't know if the current group on the council had plans to control the process or not. Since they, at least this time, couldn't make quorum it sounds like more people are needed. That being the case why have an election at that point? It doesn't speak well of any organization to not have enough members present to make quorum at one of the most important meetings they will have all year.
Without the new people Moore brought it sounds like there wouldn't have been enough people to fill the slate for offices. I don't understand the reason to be upset that people came to get involved honestly.
As I have said, I am happy that someone rallied up some neighbors and got them interested enough to come to the meeting. I don't see anything wrong with that. I think most would agree that the goal should be what is best for the community.
Posted by
August 26, 2007
My friends in Edgewater have a very successful park advisory council. The council raises funds from donations and businesses. Every year they pay from their own fundraising for music, story telling, a big fall festival and many nicer things. The Park District is more than happy to help them out and I will say the people I've met at the Edgewater events are great.
Here's something I was told. The Park District wants these Advisory Councils not to play any politics. They told the Council to set up their own board separate and distinct from the block club even. I was told that the Park District does not want to get between any political wrangling between factions and when push comes to shove, they will walk away from a council if there is too much political infighting.
Here's what I've learned in my many years of community service... There will be times you will agree with people and there are times you will disagree with people. Good people know that you won't win every battle, but if you keep the lines of communication open, you will find you agree with people more often that you disagree.
Toni, get over the pink postcard. Move on. You may win some friends temporarily with your plight, but people for the most part have short memories and the only continual memory they will have of you is a disgruntled person who can't move on to the next phase in their life.
Posted by
Hayzee |
August 26, 2007
Some people chose to stay and one lady was very effective with the reading of the by-laws, procedure. Another couple has become very helpful with suggestions. Of those who chose to stay, they are more than welcome to present their ideas and commit their time. Once everyone finally grasped the concept of how far we have really come, read the by-laws, suggested amendments, they were part of a working group.
> there are other opinions about the area, the uses for the park and the community center.
And that's why we are planning a properly informed organized community meeting rather than a lot of people coming into a room and trying to talk at the same time. Your 'talk team' may either join or wait and hear about it.
If you don't live here, don't really know us, haven't attended, well, your blunt observation leans more to an obtuse one.
Posted by
Toni |
August 26, 2007